Tiny Buddha

September is the 9th month. A month of the ending of summer and the beginning of autumn or vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a month of change and that can be stressful or it can be an opportunity to let go and flow with the change. To honor the endings and beginnings and to give yourself GRACE and REST.

In honoring the endings we can take a moment to process the hindsight and give thanks for the opportunity to learn, change, and grow. 9 months of this year certainly wrote many chapters in my life novel. The transformation has been phenomenal. I allow myself grace and rest. I honor the natural cycle of transformation in my life.

To all who are just tired, I send love and rest vibrations. Even in the middle of chaos, we can find our center, a peaceful place where we disengage from the drama and give ourselves permission.

Permission to order take out.

Permission to treat ourselves.

Permission to rest and relax.

Permission to leave the chaos.

Permission to explore and grow.

Permission to end a chapter and begin another.

Permission to find JOY in our opportunities.

Rev. Laura Cullen